How does your level of energy affect your healing and also your everyday life!

Well let’s start with the undisputed fact that everything in our universe is energy (including us) and energy is impressed upon matter (or what we think of as matter which again is just energy vibrating at different speeds).  And you and I can direct energy.

  • everything is energy
  • Energy affects matter
  • Energy follows your thoughts.

Once you can get your head around this concept, it becomes easier to understand how we actually do (to a large extent) create our own lives.  Obviously certain things we have no control over, but there is a lot that we do have control over and understating how energy works will help you create a life you want rather then what you don’t want.

There is a scale of energy levels and sometimes when my clients have actually seen a visual of this scale, it has helped them to understand where they are on the scale and also where they want to be.

Everything has a vibrational frequency.

Specific states of mind and emotions and behaviour

words, and actions

surroundings environments and objects all vibrate at a specific frequency.  Everything that exists has a frequency and can be measured on a scale, the emotional scale of scale of consciousness as it is sometimes called.

So, depending on where you are on the scale and your intention, something will give you either a “bad vibe” or a “good vibe”.

I am sure you have all met people who have given you one of the other.  Have you ever met someone and instantly liked them?  Or perhaps you have met someone and thoughts, hmmm, I’m not sure about that person, I can’t put my finger on it but I don’t like them but you really don’t know why?

I know I have, well this is because you did not resonate with their energy, their level of frequency that they were vibrating at.

  It just wasn’t a match with your own.  I’m sure you have heard the phrase “they are not on my wave length”.  Well, that is exactly what that means, their levels of energy were not a match to you own, and you can feel it when that happens.  It doesn’t necessarily mean they are a bad person; it just means their vibration is different to your own.

There are many possible futures that we can create for ourselves, understanding the we have the ability to attract the best one if crucial if we are to enjoy our lives and live as stress free, healthy and happy as we possibly can. 

Now I am not saying that we won’t come across problems in life once we get this – of course we will, that is part of life and part of our soul’s growth, however once we understand these principles, life does get easier and we also feel more empowered to deal with things that come our way and make the best decisions we possibly can for the best outcome for our future.

Usually, the lower a persons’ energy is on the scale, the worse they will feel, their perception will not be clear, their ability to think, clearly, act and create will be weak.

The higher a person is on the scale, the more energy, inner strength they have to create with and the more likely they are to be creating outcomes in their life that they desire to have.

Basically – in a nutshell, the energy you radiate, is the reality you will get back.  You experience the world, not as it is, but as YOU ARE.  And this is definitely something that the secret missed (for those of you that have read the secret) Because you don’t attract what you want in life, you attract WHAT YOU ARE!!

If your thoughts and your energy are not aligned, that means what you are thinking consciously and what you feel in your heart and soul (your subconscious mind), if that is not in alignment with whom you truly are at the core of your being, you will not, you cannot attract it into your life, because the universe reads your energy more than your thoughts.